Losing Crops to Wild Animals? Here's Your Game-Changing Solution! - Bio Animal Repellent & Crop Growth Promoter - Herboliv+
Herboliv+ will keep your crops away from wild animals.
A good pest control for plants,improves microbial growth,good nutrient absorption,helps to increase your soil's water retention by acting as bio fertilizer,Improves crop yield,plant nutrients,shelf-life of end produce.It neither kills nor harms animals. It does not affect the users consuming the produce grown using Herboliv+. It retains organic nature of the crop.

Why Herboliv+ ?
Controls Crop Damage from Wild Elephants,Bears,Deers,Bisons,Blue bulls(Nilgai),Rats,Rabbits,Porcupines,
Monkeys,Squirrels,Parrots,Wild birds and Domestic Animals like cows.​
Acts as both Wild Animal Repellent + Crop Growth Promoter.As a result yield increases.
Improves Water Retention in soil.
​ Controls Pests and fungal diesases virus attacks as well
Improves Shelf Life of End Product.
Cost Benefit Ratio is very high.
Networking Partners:

Validated and certified by FCRI - TNAU Coimbatore
Successful trials in 12 states across India
Successful completion of field trials for Kerala state forest department
Trademark registered
Tested and documented by different ICAR-KVK institutes in 2 states
Organic certified
Positive Toxicology reports obtained
Implementing Partners:
Cheyyar FPO
Mayil FPO
Thiruvanamallai FPO
Karvy Organic FPO​
Jaiurja FPO​
Udhyamahila FPO​
Mithwal FPO
Our Farmers Trust Herboliv+
Innovative Herboliv+ is used by many number of farmers across India to Protect their crops from wild animals.

"Was able to protect crops from monkeys and wildboar.I could see very good yield for Groundnut,Ragi .Happy to provide good food to people organically.Thanks to Herboliv+"

"Maize stem was very thick which
resulted in very good yield. Fall Army Worm was controlled .This is a big
relief to many farmers."

"Severe Pests got controlled after using Herboliv+.Growth of watermelon is very good and greenish.Leaf Folder problem got controlled.We dont face any loss after using.Rat and peacock Problem got solved.Herboliv+ is one medicine which solves all the problems.Thanks to Herboliv+"

" Very happy with Herboliv+. I was able to control mainly rats in my vegetable field.
Also controlled wildboars,bisons and pests with one single product".

"My field is only 1.5 kms near forest.After spraying Herboliv+ Elephants and wildboar dint intrude in my banana field. If i had not used Herboliv+ I couldn't have saved my crops. "

" Yield has increased .Crop loss is less.Rabbits dont intrude in my sugarcane field.Now i can save my crops from rabbits after using Herboliv+"

"My farm was not much damaged with locusts and locusts died too.This product is very useful and benefitted to me".

"I dont face any Nilgai Problem
now after spraying.Very useful product to many farmers here."

Valuable Feedback From Swami Dayananda Saraswathi Swamiji , Anaikatti
"This product keeps animals away .Deers and Elephants come here but have nver touched the plants.This is a Revolution.Lot of people are committed to organic food,for them this is the answer.Product is not harmful,doesn't disturb organic nature of the food.It doesn't disturb the taste of the vegetables."